
Attendance Matters.  Every Student.  Everyday.


All parent notes should be entered in Skyward. Current and future dates are entered as is.  

Past dates for the previous five (5) can be entered with today’s date and the past date submitted in the comment section.  If entering multiple days that do not connect, an additional entry is required.  

To enter a parent note log into skyward account. Attendance>Absence request>Add absence request>Enter all required information>Save 

You will then be able to see all absences that were submitted. 

Doctor's notes now can be uploaded into the absence request as an attachment

While an absence, for example, was recognized locally and documented with a parent note, it isn't "Excused" by the state's standards and is subject to (FEA) Compulsory Attendance and (FEC) Attendance for Credit. For this reason, it's calculated in the Days Other total.

For verification of absences or request received please refer to family access. 

Please visit the attendance webpage and our parent newsletter to keep up to date!  


Skyward Family Access


student absent instructions

MISD Attendance FAQ


Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the Student/Parent Handbook for additional Attendance laws and School Policy.

Section 25.092 of the Texas Education Code states that a student must be in attendance at least 90% or more of the time a class meets per semester in order to receive credit for the classes for which they are enrolled.

Section 25.095 of the Texas Education Code states that mandatory action of the school district in filing a complaint if a student is absent from school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six month period

(1) the student's parent is subject to prosecution under Section 25.093;

(2) the student is subject to prosecution under Section 25.094 or to referral to a juvenile court for conduct that violates this section.

Students exceeding the number of days allowed to meet the 90% attendance requirement by law will be denied credit in those classes based on state law.

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